ACTIVE PERIOD: Active at night
KEY ID FEATURES: Black and red regular banding, head wider than neck, ~90cm+ long when mature
BEHAVIOR: Hunts on the ground at night but is a good climber, moves slow but capable of striking and musking if handled, generally will flee
SIZE: Medium - 90cm+
IUCN: LC - Least Concerned
OTHER: Can be mistaken with Many Banded Krait
IMPORTANT: Many snakes have significant variance in coloration and pattern even within the same species. There can also be extreme differences in appearance from juveniles to adults so it is important to never assume you have properly identified a snake.

See a video of this species being found in the field here:
Black and red banding and loosely similar to the Many Banded Krait in appearance. Banding generally lower contrast than on the Many Banded Krait. Bands also tend to stay uniform in spacing the length of the body and are also regular with even edges. Head is larger than the neck making it larger than the Many Banded Kraits head. Reaching a length of ~90cm.
Active at night and mainly hunts lizards and toads. Generally docile when approached they are not quick to bite but will do so if disturbed or handled. Normally slow and deliberate in their movement they are capable of moving quickly when fleeing. Hunt near water sources, forest floors and water conduits. Often found at elevations up to 200+m. Capable of secreting a very strong musk from the anal glands as a defensive measure.
The Red-banded Snake is a terrestrial species often hunting in forested areas or water culverts at higher elevations. It is extremely common in Taiwan. A common encounter for most given its prevalence, it is possible though to bump into one on the trail and if so they should be give a wide berth though they do not present any serious risk.
NO SNAKE SHOULD EVER BE HANDLED BY ANYONE BUT EXPERTS: The Red-banded Snake can be potentially confused with both the Many Banded Krait. A Red-banded Snake should never be handled or approached due to the potential for confusing species. Visit the 'Practical Venomous Snake ID' section of the Snake ID page for tips on identifying some of the more common venomous species.