*Banner Image by Paul Dickson
PREVELANCE: Mostly active at night
KEY ID FEATURES: Dark brown body with light brown bands and yellow accents, short stout head and heavy bodied
BEHAVIOR: Aquiatic, will strike readliy and musk if handled, capable of leaping strikes
SIZE: Small ~50cm
IUCN: Least concerned
IMPORTANT: Many snakes have significant variance in coloration and pattern even within the same species. There can also be extreme differences in appearance from juveniles to adults so it is important to never assume you have properly identified a snake.

Puff-faced water snakes are dark brown with light bron bands and yellow accents. They have a rounded head with strong jaws helpful for hunting fish. Notrils evolved on top of the head due to their aquatic nature. Generally not exceeding 60 cm when mature. Keeled scales running the length of the body. Though technically venomous, reactions are rare in humans and usually consist of minor localized swelling and in more extreme cases mild nausea or dizziness.
Mostly nocturnal puff-faced water snakes come out at night to hunt fish and occasionally amphibians, possibly crustaceans. Capable of biting, musking and squirming excessively but despite being mildly venomous they are not considered dangerous to humans. It should be noted that envenomations can cause mild symptoms including nausea and localized swelling.
Found in areas slow stream with muddy beds. Can be found moving on adjecnt land on rainy evenings in search of prey and new streams.
NO SNAKE SHOULD EVER BE HANDLED BY ANYONE BUT EXPERTS: Relatively distinct in appearance, not easily confused with any dangerous species.