READ ABOUT US IN OUR FEATURE ARTICLE IN HONG KONG FREE PRESS!!! HONGKONGSNAKEID ARTICLE tries hard to be as comprehensive on the topic of local snake species as possible, but with just two authors providing photos and content obtained directly from the field and first hand experience we understand that some things may fall through the cracks. In these instances we can direct you to several great sources for additional information via the links below. Happy researching!
- For all things Animal in Hong Kong visit:
- For regular sightings and stories on snakes in Hong Kong: Hong Kong Snakes Facebook Page
- For overall wildlife and outdoor recreation information visit the Hong Kong Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department's website:
- If your ready to get REALLY close to nature after reading all the above check out this campsite review site:
- For a more science based account of various animal species in Hong Kong go to:
- For an amazing conservation experience visit Kadoorie Farms page:
Also be sure to check out our blog 'Snake Diaries' for regular stories and videos of our snake encounters in Hong Kong.
We will continue to add to this list of resources as we find additional sites, and we also would love to hear directly from our audience if there are any questions or feedback on the information provided about Hong Kong's many snake species on this site. E-mail us at and we will respond as quickly as possible.