ACTIVE PERIOD: Active at night
KEY ID FEATURES: Blunt boxy head, lichen or mossy stick colored and patterned body
BEHAVIOR: Docile and slow moving, may ball up or squirm if handled but almost never bites
SIZE: Small - 60cm
OTHER: Specialized jaw for extracting snails from their shells
IMPORTANT: Many snakes have significant variance in coloration and pattern even within the same species. There can also be extreme differences in appearance from juveniles to adults so it is important to never assume you have properly identified a snake.

Up to 60cm in length, the Blunt-headed Slug Snake is a relatively small slow moving snake with color and pattern similar to moss or lichen covered branches, usually green, white and or brown but are highly variable in term of how these colors and patterns present. They have a blunt and boxy specialized head with a thinner neck and proportioned body that is heavily keeled. Very distinctive large eyes with round pupils. Nonvenomous and completely docile, the Blunt-headed Slug Snake is an inoffensive species.
Largely nocturnal the Blunt-headed Slug Snake is a docile hunter of snails and slugs. Generally they will stay still when approached and may squirm or ball up when handled, often curling into a roll but never bite and are not known to musk heavily.
Live in moist forested areas where their exclusive diet of small snails and slugs can be found. They can be found at higher elevations with cooler temperatures and at lower elevations. They thrive in forested habitats that frequently experience moisture. The Blunt-headed Slug Snake is relatively common in its range.
NO SNAKE SHOULD EVER BE HANDLED BY ANYONE BUT EXPERTS: Generally unique in appearance given its color, pattern and especially its uniquely shaped head.